Presentation Download

Topics highlighted in red are presentations available for download. Only full conference pass holders or speakers are entitled to download the presentation files. Kindly refer to the password provided by the Event Secretariat.

FULL PROGRAM KEYNOTES & PLENARY SESSIONS New Food Sources & Production Systems: Regulation, Science, and Country Case Studies Hot Topics Global Perspectives on WGS for Food Safety F&B Industry Water Reuse Ensuring Safety, Maximizing Benefits New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in Food Safety Risk Assessment (part 1) Food Allergens Elevating Engagement and Training to Boost Food Safety Culture New Food Sources & Production Systems: Cell-Based Food and Precision Fermentation Food Authenticity, Traceability & Sustainability WGS for Food Safety in China and the Trend of WGS Applications Risk Communications New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in Food Safety Risk Assessment (part 2) Mycotoxin, Grain & Oil Safety What is New? The Dynamics of Globally Recognized Food Safety Auditing Standards and Best Practices Workshop

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  Zoom Livestream